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[Comment] A new step towards targeting tau
Progressive supranuclear palsy is a rare neurodegenerative disease characterised by an axial parkins...
[Review] CSF and blood biomarkers for Parkinson’s disease
In the management of Parkinson's disease, reliable diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers are urg...
Parkinson’s disease patient: ‘I can walk… it’s really helped me’
Parkinson's disease patient Gail Jardine can walk more freely after having a spinal implant fit...
Parkinson’s results beyond researchers’ wildest dreams
Previously housebound patients are now able to walk more freely as a result of electrical stimulatio...
Housebound Parkinson’s patients have movement restored
An electrical stimulus can help revive mobility for people with the disease, scientists have discove...
Direct beginnen met levodopa bij ziekte van Parkinson?*
Levodopa is het meest effectieve medicijn voor de behandeling van motorische symptomen bij patiënte...
‘I’m 35, with two young children – and Parkinson’s’
Ellie Finch Hulme is a translator and a busy mum of two children. And she also has a disease associa...
Parkinson’s smell test explained by science
A woman who can smell Parkinson's disease helps scientists discover what causes the musky odour...
Radical Parkinson’s treatment tested in patients
The drug is delivered to affected parts of the brain via a "port" in the side of the head....
[Review] Association between circadian rhythms and neurodegenerative diseases
Dysfunction in 24-h circadian rhythms is a common occurrence in ageing adults; however, circadian rh...
[Corrections] Correction to Lancet Neurol 2019; 18: 145–54
LeWitt PA, Hauser RA, Pahwa R, et al, on behalf of the SPAN-PD Study Investigators. Safety and effic...
[Comment] CVT-301 for Parkinson’s disease: dose and effect size issues
Oral levodopa plus a dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor (LD-DCI) is the standard of care for Parkinson...
[Articles] Safety and efficacy of CVT-301 (levodopa inhalation powder) on motor function during off periods in patients with Parkinson’s disease: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial
CVT-301 can improve UPDRS motor scores of patients with Parkinson's disease during in-clinic of...
Roken vermindert risico op ziekte van Parkinson
Rokers hebben een lager risico om de ziekte van Parkinson te krijgen dan niet-rokers. Dit is bevesti...
Zorgdeclaraties, een waardevolle bron van informatie
Vanwege de gevarieerde problematiek is voor mensen met de ziekte van Parkinson een multidisciplinair...
[2018 Round-up] Movement disorders in 2018: tackling this evil at the roots
In 2018, several initiatives that have aimed to slow progression or prevent development of movement ...
[In Context] Being Andrew Lees
The idea of interviewing Andrew Lees, Professor of Neurology at University College London and the Na...
[Correspondence] LRP10 in α-synucleinopathies
We read with interest the Article by Marialuisa Quadri and colleagues1 in The Lancet Neurology, in w...
Parkinson’s disease ‘may’ start in gut
The brain disease may actually start in the depths of the digestive system, US scientists say.Read m...
[Articles] Global, regional, and national burden of Parkinson’s disease, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
Over the past generation, the global burden of Parkinson's disease has more than doubled as a r...
[Comment] The burden of Parkinson’s disease: a worldwide perspective
Over history, diseases have appeared and disappeared, or have increased or decreased in frequency. T...
[Review] Neuromodulation in the restoration of function after spinal cord injury
Neuromodulation, the use of electrical interfaces to alter neuronal activity, has been successful as...
Enhancers active in dopamine neurons are a primary link between genetic variation and neuropsychiatric disease
Enhancers active in dopamine neurons are a primary link between genetic variation and neuropsychiatr...
[Comment] At last, a randomised controlled trial of apomorphine infusion
For most medications, positive findings from large randomised controlled trials herald regulatory ap...
[In Context] The dark history of early deep brain stimulation
The development of modern deep brain stimulation (DBS) is widely attributed to Alim Benabid, who dis...
[Articles] Apomorphine subcutaneous infusion in patients with Parkinson’s disease with persistent motor fluctuations (TOLEDO): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial
Apomorphine infusion results in a clinically meaningful reduction in off time in patients with Parki...
[Review] Network imaging biomarkers: insights and clinical applications in Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson's disease presents several practical challenges: it can be difficult to distinguish f...
[In Context] Kapil Sethi: all about water buffaloes and refusing to be boring
You may know him as Professor Emeritus of Neurology at the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta Unive...
[Editorial] Difficult choices in treating Parkinson’s disease psychosis
Around half of all patients with advanced Parkinson's disease will develop hallucinations or de...
[Comment] A novel link between trafficking and Lewy body disorders
Elucidating the natural history and underlying genetic causes of Parkinson's disease and relate...
[Comment] Dissecting premotor Parkinson’s disease with multimodality neuroimaging
Parkinson's disease is diagnosed when parkinsonism (ie, bradykinesia, rigidity, and resting tre...
[In Context] Per Borghammer
Per Borghammer is a chief consultant and Associate Professor at the Department of Nuclear Medicine &...
[Articles] LRP10 genetic variants in familial Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies: a genome-wide linkage and sequencing study
Our findings implicate LRP10 gene defects in the development of inherited forms of α-synucleinopath...
[Articles] In-vivo staging of pathology in REM sleep behaviour disorder: a multimodality imaging case-control study
Patients with idiopathic REM sleep behaviour disorder had fully developed pathology in the periphera...
[In Context] The true face of James Parkinson
To celebrate the 200th anniversary of James Parkinson's Essay of the Shaking Palsy, there have ...
[In Context] Remembering the man behind An Essay on the Shaking Palsy
On Nov 16, 2017, a committed group of James Parkinson aficionados met for a historical walk at the A...
[Review] Risk factors for non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease
Non-motor symptoms (NMS) of Parkinson's disease can be predominant as the disease advances, the...
Dementia risk linked to some medicines
Up to two million people in England take anticholinergics, for depression and Parkinson's disea...
[In Context] Expecting exoskeletons for more than spinal cord injury
Exoskeletons that can help the paralysed to walk are available now. But they might also help patient...
[Articles] The effect of LRRK2 mutations on the cholinergic system in manifest and premanifest stages of Parkinson’s disease: a cross-sectional PET study
LRRK2 mutations are associated with significantly increased cholinergic activity in the brain in mut...
[Correspondence] MPTP-induced parkinsonism: an historical case series
In 1982, seven young adults developed severe and irreversible parkinsonism shortly after they inject...
[Editorial] Accelerating research for Parkinson’s disease
Despite considerable ongoing translational and clinical research efforts, no disease-modifying drugs...
[Comment] Hypercholinergic activity in LRRK2 Parkinson’s disease
Mutations of the LRRK2 gene are a common cause of autosomal-dominant Parkinson's disease. The c...
Laserschoenen helpen patiënt met Parkinson lopen
Schoenen die zijn uitgerust met een klein laserapparaat dat een visuele stimulus geeft, zorgen ervoo...
‘I have Parkinson’s at 39 but it’s no reason to panic’
Marathon runner Aaron found he had Parkinson's aged 39 but through his love of exercise he'...
[Comment] Pimavanserin for patients with Alzheimer’s disease psychosis
Pimavanserin is an atypical antipsychotic marketed in the USA for hallucinations and delusions assoc...
[Articles] Behavioural outcomes of subthalamic stimulation and medical therapy versus medical therapy alone for Parkinson’s disease with early motor complications (EARLYSTIM trial): secondary analysis of an open-label randomised trial
In a large cohort with Parkinson's disease and early motor complications, better overall behavi...
[Comment] DBS for Parkinson’s disease with behavioural disturbances
Behavioural problems—eg, impulse control disorders, excessive and uncontrollable intake of levodop...
Parkinson’s sufferer ejected from Halfords ‘for funny walk’
Chris Cartlidge says he was told to leave Halfords after his symptoms caused his leg to stiffen.Read...

4e editie Sail4Parkinson!
De zeiltocht is opgezet om fondsen te werven voor onderzoek naar nieuwe behandelingen voor de ziekte...
[Articles] Effectiveness and costs of specialised physiotherapy given via ParkinsonNet: a retrospective analysis of medical claims data
These results confirm the findings from controlled trials, and offer evidence that specialised physi...
[Comment] Parkinson’s disease physiotherapy: specialisation adds value
In an era of evidence-based medicine, the value of rehabilitative therapies in Parkinson's dise...
Author Correction: Synuclein and dopamine: the Bonnie and Clyde of Parkinson’s disease
Author Correction: Synuclein and dopamine: the Bonnie and Clyde of Parkinson's diseaseAuthor Co...
Bristol grandmother writing to beat Parkinson’s stigma
When Dawn May was diagnosed with the disease she wanted to teach her new grandson about it....
Scientists sniff out Parkinson’s disease smell
The breakthrough, inspired by Joy Milne's sense of smell, could lead to the first diagnostic te...
The woman who can smell Parkinson’s disease
Joy Milne has an amazing sense of smell that is bringing amazing results for scientists studying Par...
[Articles] Focused ultrasound subthalamotomy in patients with asymmetric Parkinson’s disease: a pilot study
MRI-guided focused ultrasound unilateral subthalamotomy was well tolerated and seemed to improve mot...
[In Context] Raul Martínez
Raul Martínez is a neurologist and clinical researcher at Centro Integral en Neurociencias (CINAC),...
[Comment] The genetic architecture of dementia with Lewy bodies is shaping up
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have made substantial contributions to our understanding of c...
[Comment] Subthalamotomy for Parkinson’s disease: back to the future?
MRI-guided focused ultrasound is a novel method for creating thermic ablations in the thalamus or ba...